The previous post is kinda lame in retrospect

22 08 2007

Thais cheated on me. I have concrete proof of said cheating, and she still has the balls to say she didn’t. Then, on top of that, she gives me some super bullshit reason why we shouldn’t be together. Oh really? Like I needed a better reason than the fat that your vag is a car park?

I’m 90% super pissed, and 10 % sad as fuck. I’m sad on my own time. When my head hits he pillow at night. But, that’s also when I miss her the most.

My good pals are telling me not to judge women by her and another ex that did the same thing. They are trying to keep me level headed, and I appreciate that, but right now I feel like going on a total destruction spree.

Happy Birthday To Me

16 08 2007

Last year on this day, I had my own place to live and I was reading good poetry to a woman I really cared for then made love for like two hours. This year, my current girlfriend is living in France and isn’t going to be home for five days so I don’t even get a call (not to mention that my dangling bit is going un-pleased), and for some god damned reason (seeing as how I’m making four-times more money) I am living with friends and don’t have my own room. It seems very strange that I am doing so much better job-wise and money-wise and I seem to be in a worse position. It’s odd how life throws you these curve-balls and there is nothing you can do about it (believe me, I’m trying). It goes to show that all you can do is let the current of life’s river take you where it may. And so, I drift.

I’ve also decided that, sometimes, I can be a poor friend. Now, I doubt I’m the worst friend ever, but I know I can use some work in this department at times. We all can.

I may be moving to Ireland or the UK. My current place of employment is working on it. I guess that tells me I’m doing a good job, eh? Suckers.

I don’t want anything for my birthday, except some tacos and to finish watching “Hot Fuzz”.

And, just an FYI, I don’t own a computer right now which is why these updats are rather stalled.

Now, I’m off to shower. You folks have a good day.