20 07 2008

i’m better with women than with writing
and i’m single

at least i smell like music


15 07 2008

I want to be important.
I want to feel like Kennedy
or Kirk
or the Stones.
Instead I feel like glass.
Maybe I have to wait
until I’m dead like O’Toole.

Problem is he had someone who loved
him that fought for his cause
and all I got is a couple cats.

Faded Scar

13 07 2008

“What’s that thing on your ankle?”
she says, pointing at a fading charcoal scar.
“I don’t want to talk about it”
I say with too much acid on my tongue.
“Tell me” is the reply,
in a way that says or else.
“An ex cut me with a razor and
rubbed soot from the hearth on the wound.
It’s her name”.
Bewildered she asks “You let her do that?”
“Yeah. It’s her name. She wanted me to remember her”.
“Would you ever let me do anything like that?”
“No. That was a different time in my life
and I guess you came along at the wrong point.
I have different issues now”.
At that, she put on her skirt
and walked out the door without
uttering a word. I haven’t heard
from her since.

The memory of her has faded like the tattoo.

I’ve been reading too much Bukowski.

Just because I want you to know how retarded my band is

12 07 2008

I am Jack’s sandy vagina

12 07 2008

So, there is this cute little Japonese girl that works by my place of business that, as far as I can tell, is “totally crushing” on me. She’s awesome and is always flirting, so why can I not just go he extra few inches and ask her out? Oh yeah, I’ve a huge pussy. Now I remember.

I made you a video, but I eated it.

10 07 2008

I just made an update video, because it is much less work than typing. I uploaded it and it was too dark to actually see, much less enjoy. I killed it.

Things that have happened?

Well, me and the lady split up.

I got a new job and it’s made of hate and I wish to explode it.

I stopped writing. Not by choice mind you. Nothing comes to me anymore. I miss the words fighting for attention in my head. The chaos from which one line may claim victory. It’s all gone.

The band is back together. We played our first show back from a 2.5 year hiatus. It was AWESOME! People still singing every song. Best night in forever.

I still love booze and floozies.

I found I still really care about someone in my past and it hurts. Boo hurt.

I hope you are all well. I miss sitting here and writing, but I am made of lame. I’m sorry. I still read your blogs. Promises.