
8 10 2007

For those of you who have been around my varied blogs for a while, you know I have this issue about writing. I think I suck at it. I usually erase something where I have been creative in just a few days. Upon the urging of a friend, I will actually start posting some more writing and I won’t be ripping it down. This is the first bit. I wrote it while trying to sleep one night. The words banged around in my head until I was forced to type them out so I could sleep. Most of it came right off the cuff, and I have not nor will I edit it. I say “fuck punctuation”. I hope you dig.

I lay myself down/
Down upon the skin/
of the thousands that walked here before me/
beneath the textured/
billowing, bright sky/
to wonder what brings me here/
to this, of all, ends./
as i contemplate my failings/
my victories/
and all that I left un-finished/
i feel the hollowness/
and I pull the sky down closer/
shroud myself in its vapid stillness/
i evaporate into it/
as it encapsulates me./



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