For Fuck’s Sake!

11 10 2008

Remember when I used to be all snarky and awesome? When did I turn into an emo fag? Am I going soft in my old age, or did I just get more pussy the last 12 months so I’m not as backed up and acidic? 

I was looking through my old posts and found something I wish I wrote today:

Remember, kids: Being a good person and being nice gets you nowhere in life.

See, I remember that guy who did that little bit of writing. That’s the guy who would just come on here and vent for no reason other than to be a preacher with a rock’n’roll heart. I’m gonna go find him at band practice today. I miss him. I want my fuckin balls back.


8 10 2008

Jack White and Alicia Keys have teamed up for the new 007 theme. I have been waiting for this movine forever and now I will have a giant film boner until it drops.

Just to get it out

7 10 2008

standing on a concrete pier
with the brazen wind in my face
and the quite roar of the water in my ears
thinking of the couldashouldabeens
between you and i
the reel of our time finishes
and my inner monologue hears the flapping
of the last 8 inches of film
slapping the machinery of my mind
which means you are still there
in a handful of frames
you and i
standing on a concrete pier
with the brazen wind in our faces
and the quite roar of the water in our ears


3 10 2008

This is my new skeep playlist. It shall be randomized.


30 09 2008

I need a place to write that nobody knows about.

Why do I look confused?

25 09 2008

Sunday List

8 09 2008

Current Infatuations:

  • Slipknot’s new album
  • Blocks of cheese
  • Ribs
  • Dexter (how did I not see this right away?)
  • “Forgetting” to shave
  • Fall
  • Ham on Rye (bless you, Bukowski)
  • Fallout 3

Current Blahs:

  • Having one of your best pals fall for a girl you’re into
  • Work
  • Dane Cook (seriously, we get it. It’s just too much right now)
  • Star Wars (see above)
  • Hurricanes
  • Being empty
  • America

Chrome and Making Out

3 09 2008

Right now I am posting this blog from my shiny new Chrome browser. I like it. A lot. It’s fast and sexy like a lady from the 80’s that’s really into in AC/DC. I like AC/DC.

Lately I have been doing a little makin out here and there. Afterwards, the woman becomes completely insane and I don’t hear from them again. OK, the amount of makin out here is quite overstated but the crazy isn’t. Why can’t I be gay?

20 07 2008

i’m better with women than with writing
and i’m single

at least i smell like music


15 07 2008

I want to be important.
I want to feel like Kennedy
or Kirk
or the Stones.
Instead I feel like glass.
Maybe I have to wait
until I’m dead like O’Toole.

Problem is he had someone who loved
him that fought for his cause
and all I got is a couple cats.